
Get Organized!

LYNETTE HAGIN’S Kindle the Flame Women’s Conference is designed to give both spiritual and natural help. During one workshop in 2014, Lynette and her daughter, Denise Hagin Burns, shared practical tips on de-cluttering the mess and simplifying life by organizing. Their goal was to help women be able to complete their to-do lists quicker and enjoy greater peace and order in their lives and homes.


“By nature I’m not an organized person. It’s just not in my personality. But I’ve learned to be organized. You may feel like your life would be so much easier if you were organized. And you may look at all the organized people and think, ‘Why can’t I be like them?’

“I want to tell you that you can. I learned from one of the best—my mother—how to be organized. If you’re not naturally organized, be encouraged. We’re not born knowing how to talk or walk—we have to learn those things.

“You can surround yourself with people who are organized. I also read books and articles and study ways to do things faster and better. You can too.

“I like to balance the natural with the spiritual. I often pray, ‘Lord, help me today to be organized. Show me faster and better ways to do things. Help me to be more efficient and productive.’ “


“I pray that way every day, too, because it’s the Holy Ghost Who has helped me to be organized. Many times I don’t know how to do something or accomplish something. And every day, I ask the Holy Ghost, ‘Help me, lead me, guide me, and direct me. Take me to right places that will shorten the time it takes to do things. Help me organize my day.’ And I tell you, He’ll do it for you every time!

“Take baby steps toward being organized. Choose the easiest place to start getting organized—maybe a little project. My husband preaches on ‘speak to your mountain.’ He tells people, ‘Think of a mountain in your life. We’re going to speak to that mountain.’ But then he’ll say, ‘Now, don’t take the whole mountain range.’ I thought that was good. It’s the same thing with organizing. Don’t take the whole mountain range with organizing—just take one little thing at a time.”

10 Tips For Organization

  • Make lunches, set out clothes, and put EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THE NEXT DAY in a designated area the night before.

  • Place your purse, briefcase, cellphone, and keys in a DESIGNATED AREA EVERY DAY so you always know where they are.

  • Decide on a BREAKFAST MENU the night before. If the family is to have cereal, set out the cereal boxes, bowls, and spoons.

  • Make a TO-DO LIST for the next day, and prioritize the tasks.

  • FILL THE GAS TANK the day before so you won’t have to think about getting gas if you are running late the next morning.

  • To organize your BATHTUB AND SHOWER, place your soaps, body wash, shampoos, and conditioners in shower caddies.

  • If you have no space in your bathroom cabinets for towels, roll them up and display them in a DECORATIVE BASKET next to the shower or bathtub.

  • INSTALL HOOKS on a wall or the back of your bathroom door for towels and robes.

  • Use DRAWER ORGANIZERS for makeup, jewelry, ponytail holders, and other loose items. (Plastic silverware trays found in the kitchen aisle fit the bill.)

  • Place BASKETS in your closet for laundry and dry cleaning.

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