
Let’s Be Honest.

Let’s be honest.

Life can be messy sometimes. We’ve all done things that weren’t the best. We’ve all been in some not-so-pretty situations.

Did you ever wish during those times that someone would just be real with you? That someone would just speak the truth to you from his heart—truth that could help you?

That’s what Craig W. Hagin is all about. Being real and relevant, and speaking the truth from a heart that cares—really cares. He’s not just another cookie-cutter minister. When he shares the Word, it’s fresh, practical, and easy to understand. It’s exactly what this generation needs to hear.

It’s what you need to hear.

See for yourself. Check out Craig’s new book and find out what you’ve been missing. Life is about to get a whole lot better!

    “Jesus is not just our Savior ultimately. He is our Savior in any situation we’re going through.”Craig W. Hagin

    Don’t Be Stupid! A Prodigal Story

    No matter what stupid things we’ve done, there’s good news. We aren’t stuck in our circumstances! God loves us. And He is able and willing to pick us up and set us on our feet.

    Sharing from the story of the prodigal son, Craig W. Hagin encourages us to see ourselves the way God sees us. Many of us have sunk into a mud-pit mentality. We’re not thinking right. We need to get out of our stupid place, get up, and move forward.

    It’s time for us to act on the Word and make it a reality in our lives. It’s time for us to stop being stupid, rise up from the mud, and become the champions God created us to be!


    • The Path to the Pigpen
    • It’s All About Me
    • What You Deserve? I Don’t Think So!
    • Rules vs. Relationship: Older-Son Syndrome
    • Get Out of Your Stupid Place
    • Become a Champion

    Get Your Copy Today!


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    Also an Ebook!

    1-800-54-FAITH (543-2484) 
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