
Never Too Young to Know God

with Denise Hagin Burns

My dad, Kenneth W. Hagin, has a saying. “Putting the natural and the supernatural together makes an explosive force for God.” I took what I learned in college and combined it with spiritual principles to make an explosive force for children!

I believe children’s ministry is more than teaching Bible characters and selected topics. It’s about incorporating God into every aspect of a child’s life. The spiritual foundation comes first. But it is equally important to help kids develop socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

For example, the Bible talks about being a good friend and loving your neighbor. It says we have the mind of Christ. I want kids to remember that when they’re in school. So if they need help, they can ask God for wisdom. It’s our responsibility as parents to teach our kids how to experience God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We also need to teach kids about prayer, faith, healing, and the Holy Spirit on a level they can grasp. They are not too young to be taught how to minister to others. Children have incredible faith, and they don’t doubt God’s Word.

The most important ministry your child will receive is at home. Parents are the best teachers and examples of the Word. God must be a priority in your home. Have devotional time with your kids. Let them see you praying and reading the Word. Bring the family together to pray about different situations, and ask your kids to do the praying! It will build their faith and confidence.

Children need parents and other positive influences to teach them how to use their faith for God’s glory! They can know and serve God right now—no matter how young they may be!

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