
Rhema Brazil Opens Campus Inside a Prison

Rhema In Action

In 2013, God put it on Guto Emery’s heart to start a Rhema Brazil campus inside the prisons in Brazil. At that time, Guto worked closely with Bud and Jan Wright, founding directors of Rhema Brazil. After Bud went home to be with the Lord November 2013, Guto became the director of Rhema Brazil.

Opening a Bible school in a prison seemed like an impossible task, and Guto wondered how it could ever happen. He shared his vision with his mentor, Bud Wright, who told him that he would need to speak with the Hagins. Bud then added, “If it’s from God, it will happen.”

After Guto received approval from Rhema USA, he went to the authorities in Brazil and received permission to start classes in a women’s prison.

Brazilian jails are harsh environments. Before Guto could even start teaching, improvements to the classroom had to be made. Rhema Brazil also provided each woman who enrolled in school with a school uniform.

After completing their studies and on the day of the graduation ceremony, Guto’s wife and a team of helpers styled all of the women’s hair and applied their make-up as a way to bless them.

Amazingly, the inmates were allowed to go outside of the prison to participate in the graduation ceremony. Leaving a prison before serving your time is not a normal procedure. But a judge gave the authorization and the women left in handcuffs. Although they were physically bound, they were spiritually free.

Prison officials saw such a transformation in the women’s lives that a manager at a men’s jail asked Guto to open a campus at his prison.

“The message of faith started a revolution in Brazil,”
—Guto Emery, director of Rhema Brazil

“The message of faith started a revolution in Brazil,” says Guto. And what was started there many years ago continues to grow. Not only are Brazilians impacted, but Rhema Brazil graduates are also going out and impacting nations around the world.

Thank you Rhema Word Partners and friends.

You are a big part of how men and women are trained to take the message of faith to the dark places in the world. Because of your faithful support and generosity, incarcerated Brazilians are experiencing real freedom in Christ!

Learn more about Rhema Bible Training College USA

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