
Let Your Light Shine

For most people, the month of December is filled with many festive activities. It is a time for attending parties and other special events as well as visiting family and friends. If your calendar looks like mine, you may be wondering if you will have enough time and energy to accomplish all the tasks you need to get done.

When my grandchildren were little, one of my tasks was shopping for toys! Each December, they would give me a list of what they wanted to receive for Christmas. Over the course of the month, they would continually add to their wish list when they saw new toys advertised. They were confident that the gifts they had requested would be under my Christmas tree. The thought of not receiving what they asked for never entered their mind.

As a loving grandparent, I searched endlessly to find each of their desires. If we, as parents and grandparents, want to give to our family, how much more does our Heavenly Father delight in giving to His children! Jesus reassured us of our Heavenly Father’s love when He said, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him” (Matt. 7:11 NIV). Not only will God give gifts to us when we ask, but He also gave us His best gift—the Lord Jesus Christ—even before we asked!

When Adam messed up, God made a way to redeem mankind by giving His only Son, Jesus. How could we ever doubt God’s love for us? It’s hard to imagine loving someone so much that we would sacrifice our only child to save that person’s life. But God did exactly that.

In the busyness of the Christmas season, let us not forget the reason we celebrate the birth of our Savior and Redeemer. May we not get so involved in all the festivities that we fail to honor the birthday of our Lord.

Let’s pray for opportunities to be a witness and a blessing.Lynette Hagin

It concerns me to see so many Christians focused solely on receiving God’s blessings and failing to remember the mission He gave us. Matthew 5:14–16 (NKJV) says, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

I am so stirred in my spirit of how vitally important it is for us to focus on witnessing to those around us. Statistics show that Christmastime is when feelings of stress, anxiety, disappointment, isolation, and loneliness intensify. It is a time when those without families yearn for the fellowship of a loved one. And for those who have lost loved ones, that loss can become more painful as we remember the good times we shared with them.

There are many hurting people in the world, and Jesus is their answer. It is up to us to present a Savior to them. God cannot do anything on this earth except through the voices of His children. I challenge you to accept the mission our Heavenly Father gave us. Make it not only the primary focus of your Christmas activities but also a priority in your everyday life.

I remember one time when I witnessed to someone who unexpectedly crossed my path. I could have missed the opportunity had I not been willing to take time in the midst of a quick lunch and busy schedule to become a listening ear.

I want to encourage you to get involved in giving to someone in need. Find a needy family and adopt them as your Christmas project. Include your children by having them use their money to buy gifts for those who are less fortunate.

Over the years, we have blessed families during the holiday season. It is so rewarding to see how grateful they are to be remembered at Christmas. I’m reminded of the scripture in Acts 20:35 that says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” It is truly gratifying to see a broad smile on the face of a child who has experienced lack.

Let’s pray for opportunities to be a witness and a blessing. And we must be sensitive when the Lord brings them our way. We can miss opportunities by being too busy to notice His signals.

This Christmas season and throughout the year, remember to focus on the important things. Concentrate on giving to those in need, and most of all, remember to be thankful for the Lord Jesus Christ. Never forget that you are a light to the world. Let your light burn so brightly that you become an instrument that presents Christ to those around you.


The Light of the World

One of my favorite Rhema Bible Church events is the Carols, Candlelight & Communion Christmas Eve service. I love when the auditorium lights are dimmed, and the only light that remains comes from our glowing candles. It is such a vivid reminder of why Jesus was born. He came to this world as a gift from God to be the Light of the World for us. That was His mission—and it should be ours too. After all, what better gift to give than Jesus? And the gift of eternal life is something we can share any time of the year.


Jesus, thank you for bringing me out of darkness and into Your Light. I’m sorry for getting caught up in the busyness of life and losing focus on why You came to this earth. I ask that You bring opportunities my way. I want to be a witness and an instrument for presenting You to the lost and hurting people in my world.


  • Lynette Hagin

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