
Do’s and Dont’s

Ephesians 6:4 instructs, “Do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” Here are some pointers to help.

  • Don’t overprotect your children.

You can’t protect your children from everything. It’s inevitable that they will experience some scrapes in life.

  • Don’t underprotect your children.

Children need structure to have a sense of security. Begin by implementing “house rules.”

  • Don’t compare your children with others.

Every child is different and has his or her own potential. Allow each of your children to develop his or her own uniqueness.

  • Do listen to what your kids have to say.

Your children have good ideas. When you listen to them, you are building their self-esteem and worth.

  • Do praise your children.

Everyone need affirmation, no matter how young or old.

  • Do spend time with your kids.

Relationships aren’t built over the phone. Get involved in your children’s lives. Nothing spells “love” better than time spent with each other.

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