
What the World Needs Now

There’s no question that the world needs love. I’m not talking about a natural, human love—we need God’s love. If people loved each other the way God loves us, there wouldn’t be war, crime, abuse, injustice, poverty, hunger, homelessness, or immorality.

God’s love is the one thing that can revolutionize and transform the world. When tragedy strikes or society’s problems get us down, we ask, “What can we do? How can we make a difference?” Loving others with God’s agape love will make a lasting impact.

The word translated love in the New Testament is often the Greek word agape, which means “the God-kind of love.” Every Christian should demonstrate this love in their words and actions. Agape is the greatest possession we can have. It is a selfless, sacrificial love that goes far beyond any natural, human love.

God shows agape toward the ungodly and the unworthy (Rom. 5:6–8). We may think some people don’t deserve love, but God loves them anyway! We didn’t deserve His love, but He gave it freely.

The God-kind of love isn’t reserved for those who act and look a certain way. It recognizes that everyone—regardless of outward appearances—needs the love of God. It’s not concerned with what it gets out of a relationship. It’s focused on what other people gain by our loving them. Our human nature often wants to cut people off the minute they do something we don’t like. But God tells us to love them regardless of their actions.

This month, as the world celebrates Valentine’s Day and focuses on natural, human love, let’s turn our attention to God’s supernatural love. Let’s allow it to flow through us and transform every relationship. God’s love will make a difference in our lives and those around us!



Kenneth W. Hagin

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