
Purpose & Passion

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2020

People from around the globe made their way to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, for Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming 2020. Alumni from Rhema Bible Training College enjoyed times of reconnection and reunion. Students, ministers, and guests enjoyed opportunities to commune with God and each other.

Every session held powerful and encouraging ministry. Worship was energizing and intimate. Prayer swept hearts into the throne room. Teaching and preaching brought clarity and new vision. Ministry times connected people to God’s plans—whether it was their calling, consecration, or healing, salvation, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Every heart seemed to catch fire with renewed passion and purpose.

Kids also had a great week. Elementary students enjoyed the theme, “Jesus Said What?” As the truth came to light, young hearts found answers for the tough challenges they face in today’s world. Youth at Winter Blitz packed the room for vibrant worship and the life-changing series, “He Called My Name.” The call for all generations to know God came forth loud and clear. God has a plan for everyone!

Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2021 will be held on February 14-19. Mark your calendars and join us!

Speaker Highlights

“We have supernatural gifts in us to do the job, but we can’t sit down and rest when we get to a satisfying position. The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. Even if we do nothing with them, we still have them.” // Kenneth W. Hagin

“We all have a race to run. How are you running yours? Have you been sitting on the sidelines or slowing down? Ask God to give you passion for what He has called you to do!” // Lynette Hagin

“When we have the answer, we don’t have a problem! There’s no situation that God doesn’t already have a solution for.” // Craig W. Hagin

“Every season has a purpose. If we don’t find and fulfill our purpose in the season we are in, it will cause us problems down the road.” // Denise Hagin Burns

“One of our responsibilities is to pass our faith on to the next generation. We must become storytellers and pass on our experiences!” // Doug Jones

“God is looking for those who would say, ‘I want to see this generation rocked with the presence and power of God!’ ” // Kirk DuBois

“Be bold. Be courageous. Be a friend who doesn’t let your friends shrink back.” // Joe Duininck

“Our culture has demoted God and exalted virtually everything else. That’s why we’re rich in knowledge and poor in wisdom. We can split an atom, but we can’t unite a family.” // Tony McKinnon

“Sometimes people fail to see God move because they don’t get their minds in a position to receive.” // Bill Ray

“Bible-based self-worth and identity are totally opposite of performance-based self-worth and identity.” // Tad Gregurich

“Our love language to God is doing what He says.” // Dan Taylor

“Sometimes it takes humbling ourselves before others before we can humble ourselves before God.” // DK Hall

“I don’t think we ought to give up our right as God’s child to hear from Him directly. He designed us to hear His voice.” // Marvin Yoder

“People are eternal. Stuff is not. Where we place our eyes and focus makes all the difference.” // John Grunewald

Don’t Miss a Moment!

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