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In the anointed, spiritually charged meetings of Living Faith Conferences, the Holy Spirit is changing lives by healing the sick, saving the lost, filling believers with His power, and setting captives free from sinful bondages and broken relationships. The Living Faith Conferences are held in local churches and typically last three to four days with services in the mornings and evenings. Believers around the U.S. can likely attend a meeting held within driving distance at some point during the year. All believers are invited to set aside time in their busy schedules to come and seek God’s will for their lives, get built up in the Word, and enjoy refreshing times in the Spirit.

For more information on hosting a Living Faith Conference

Please email Kim McKinnon at [email protected] or call (918) 258-1588, ext. 2201.

Schedule. Find A Conference Near You.


During each conference, the primary rule is simple—to let the Holy Spirit have His way. Lynette Hagin ministers during the morning services on prayer, while Kenneth W. Hagin ministers during the evening services on faith, healing, or other subjects as the Spirit leads.

Living Faith Conferences are free-of-charge!

There is no registration. Just show up ready to receive from God.

We recommend you bring your Bible, a notepad, and pen.

No, there is no dress code. You can come as you are. Typically attendees wear casual clothes in the morning services and dress up more for the evening services.

Each church provides differently for the services. For specific information on the church that is hosting the event, please contact them directly.

Services times differ according to the host church for the conference. Typically the morning service is at 10:00 or 10:30, while the evening services usually begin at 7:00 or 7:30. Contact the host church or click here to see the conference itinerary.
