
Master the Word of God from Home

About RCBS

The Word of God is full of truth about unconditional love, overflowing joy, and perfect peace. But if you don’t know these Bible truths, chances are you’re not enjoying their benefits.

What is it?

Rhema Correspondence Bible School is a non-accredited home Bible study course designed to give laypeople basic Bible knowledge.

How does it work?

This study program allows you the flexibility of paying for one lesson at a time and you may complete the lessons at your own pace.

How can I use RCBS?

• Individual Study—Study at your convenience and grow in your personal relationship with God.
• Pastors—Host RCBS Study Groups at their Churches.
• Homeschooling Parents—Add RCBS to Curriculum to boost learning.
• Adopt An Inmate Program—Sponsor those incarcerated to receive and complete RCBS.

What will I get?

You will receive a certificate of completion for each completed study unit and a Rhema Correspondence Bible School diploma upon completion of all six units.

Four Ways to start today

Hot To Adopt an Inmate Minister to those in prison from home!
An opportunity for Individuals and Churches!

If you don't already know someone—
we will provide you with an inmate to sponsor!
Call: (918) 258-1588, ext. 2216
Email: [email protected] 
Whether your students are homeschooled or attending public schools, you can add RCBS to home education.
Parents are supplementing homeschool curriculum with RCBS and seeing positive results!

  • How faith comes and how to walk by faith
  • How to use your God-given authority in everyday life
  • Why healing belongs to you , how to receive healing and keep it, how to talk to your heavenly Father and pray according to His will, how to grow spiritually
  • How they can be led by the Spirit of God
  • How to choose friends wisely, how to build strong, lasting relationships with God, family, and friends, and how to live stress-free
  • How to be bold against the devil and how to experience God’s peace all the time
Your students will learn:
Download PDF Church Classes Instructor Schedule for Group Study
Pastors are successfully hosting RCBS study groups in their churches and are seeing tremendous results. Download the Sample RCBS Study Group Planning Guide Helpful tools to get started:
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Enroll and pay online, and take a giant first step toward learning The Word




RCBS students and graduates from around the globe send in their testimonies of how RCBS has changed their lives, helping them grow in their relationship with God and His Word.

Actual Lesson Examples

Lesson 703

This is the third lesson of The Christian Life.

Lesson 304

This is the fourth lesson of The Life of Prayer.

Lesson 804

This is the fourth lesson of Covenant Truths.

View an Example of the Certificate & Diploma

*Received on Completion

Tell Others!

RCBS Referral Program

Tell a friend and get $5 off your next lesson!

How it Works:


Your friend completes the RCBS application


When we receive your friend's application and initial payment, they will be enrolled, and you will receive a discount coupon.


When we receive your friend's application and initial payment, they will be enrolled, and you will receive a discount coupon.

Course Description

This unit covers the broad spectrum of faith as a way of life and reflects the heartbeat of the mission and message of our school. Dynamics of Faith presents a clear, biblical viewpoint of the Christian’s rights and privileges in Christ and removes common misconceptions about our standing in God.

God’s Word supplies the key to unlock the blessings of divine healing. The scriptural truths taught in these courses will dispel myths about this Bible doctrine and show you clearly how to live victoriously over sickness and disease.

This unit gives insight into the relevance of prayer in all dimensions of the life of faith. Prayer is the supply-line connecting man’s needs to God’s resources. It is also the channel of fellowship and communion with God.

God wants His children to be well equipped to overcome any enemy attack. This unit is designed to enable Christians to escape everyday pressures and enjoy victory in every trial. It covers many aspects of life, from recognizing the Holy Spirit’s voice and following God’s plan to walking in love and building strong relationships.

In this unit, the Person and purpose of the Holy Spirit in His baptismal ministry, gifts, fruit, administration, and endowment of spiritual adequacy for these days is especially emphasized.

Believers in Jesus Christ have spiritual authority in His Name. This unit explains how and why Jesus obtained the greatest of all names. You also learn how you can use His mighty Name successfully in prayer and in everyday life. And you’ll discover many more blessings God has provided for every believer through Jesus.

Individuals Study

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